Sono riuscita a rubare un’unica immagine, perché la mostra era blindatissima. L’esposizione è stata un incredibile successo di pubblico e un’autentica opera d’arte, un’immersione in apnea nel profondo degli abissi e del cielo. Gli universi che McQueen ha esplorato sono una sterminata moltitudine di inquietudini e possibilità. Sembra che nulla sia sfuggito a quegli occhi avidi e ardenti.

La stanza del collezionista di eccentriche curiosità, i suoi abiti e gli accessori più particolari, con al centro l’abito dipinto dai robot nella collezione primavera/estate del 1999 che suscitò la standing ovation del pubblico e, in me, l’amore per questo stilista

‘There is no way back for me. I’m going to take you on journeys you’ve never dreamed were possible.’
– Alexander McQueen
Vorrei ringraziare i curatori della mostra perché mi hanno donato molto più di quanto mi aspettassi. Devo ringraziare il tempo, che mi ha reso partecipe di un momento di grandezza per il mondo della moda. Ma soprattutto devo ringraziare Lee Alexander, perché ha divorato il suo tempo per creare quello che non avrei mai pensato di poter sognare.
I am writing my first post coming back from holidays spent in London , with a feeling of emotion never felt before. For the first words to write on this blog , for all the topics I’d like to speak about, for the passion for fashion that accompanies me all along. To have seen with my own eyes the wonder that can come from the hands and mind of a creative .
I managed to steal a single image , because the exhibition was heavily supervised. It was an incredible success and a genuine work of art, an immersion in apnea in the depths of the abyss and the sky. The universes that McQueen explored are a vast multitude of disquietude and possibilities. It seems that nothing has escaped to those eager and ardent eyes.
The exhibition opens with his first creations, the perfect jackets, the taste for theatricality and the historical costume . At first it seems a normal retrospect, but it’s a nice wile.
Because the exposure proceeds for twists and different mood, to make understandable to the viewer all the inspirations behind the collections of McQueen :
The dramatic dark gothic clothes in black, white and gold in a room full of antique mirrors, damaged by time
The ancestral and violent African primitivism in a small room paneled of skulls , which greets the visitor in the twilight, with a background of distant drums and a convex screen that looks like an aquarium with a model that moves sinuously into water
The room of the collector of eccentric curiosity, his more particular dresses and accessories, with in the middle the dress painted by robots of the spring/summer 1999 collection, which caused the standing ovation of the audience and, in me , the love for this designer.
To end up with the futuristic creatures parade of “Plato’s Atlantis” , his last complete collection, presented in a cold, white, digital ambience.
The feeling I had after visiting the exhibition has been annihilating on one side, and exciting on the other. Because I’ve understand that everything was already made, but at the same time everything is to see and to do. Because is the glance that creates possible worlds.
I would like to thank the exhibition curators who gave me even more than I’ve expected. I must thank the time, that let me take part to a moment of greatful for the Fashion World. But above all I must thank Lee Alexander, who devoured his time to create what I’ve never thought to dream.
The exhibition will be open until tomorrow. Although only miss one day, I rrecommend those who come to London to make a jump at the Victoria and Albert Museum to live this experience.
Update: the exhibition was such a success, with nearly 500,000 visitors, that curators have decided for the first time in their history, to open their doors to the public in the evening, due to the incredible demand. Public format not only by experts or avant-garde fashion lovers, but entire families and visitors.
Sign that the beautiful, if properly emphasized, is able to captivate a crowd of people. I hope that this can be an example and that we can see something similar in Italy.