Ying Gao è una stilista poco conosciuta in Italia, anche se vanta numerose collaborazioni a livello internazionale e le sue opere sono esposte nei musei di tutto il mondo.
(ENGLISH VERSION BELOW ) Le sue creazioni impressionano per la bellezza pura e il senso di meraviglia che suscitano fin dal primo sguardo: i suoi abiti sembrano fatti di aria e di luce, la materia sparisce e rimane solo un senso di sospensione senza tempo.
(ENGLISH VERSION BELOW ) Le sue creazioni impressionano per la bellezza pura e il senso di meraviglia che suscitano fin dal primo sguardo: i suoi abiti sembrano fatti di aria e di luce, la materia sparisce e rimane solo un senso di sospensione senza tempo.

Ying Gao è un’artista che sperimenta e cerca di stabilire nuovi confini dell’universo della moda. Attraverso le mutazioni della materia tessile e una tecnologia sensibile e interattiva, crea uno spazio e un momento in cui possiamo percepire una materia fragile e poetica, infusa di vita artificiale che simula quella reale. Le sue collezioni sono fascinazioni visive e interazioni tra arte e scienza.
La stilista si avvale di materiali e tessuti tecnologicamente all’avanguardia, come la super organza, un tessuto sintetico che vanta il primato di essere il più leggero al mondo. La sua ricerca abbraccia anche l’interattività, esplora il movimento autonomo dell’abito come riflesso del mondo che lo circonda.
Come nella collezione “(no) where (now) here”, in cui le fibre si illuminano davanti agli occhi di chi le guarda, o come nel progetto “The show still goes on”, creato in stretta collaborazione con il coreografo William Yong: gli abiti si muovono e si accorciano, interagiscono con i ballerini della compagnia Zata Omm.
Ispirato all’omonimo film di Jacques Tati del 1967, il progetto “Playtime” si basa sul concetto di metamorfosi della materia tattile e visiva. Gli abiti fluttuano nello spazio diventando indefiniti e sfocati o emettono luce come reazione ai flash delle macchine fotografiche.
Ying Gao is a fashion designer relatively unknown in Italy, although she has numerous international collaborations and her works are exhibited in museums all around the world.
Her creations are impressing for the pure beauty and the sense of wonder that inspires at first glance: her clothes seem made of air and light, matter disappears leaving only a sense of timeless suspension.
Ying Gao is an artist who experiments and try to establish new frontiers of the universe of fashion. Through mutations of textile material and sensitive and interactive technology, she creates a time and a space where we can feel a fragile and poetic matter, infused by artificial life that simulates the real one. Her collections are fascinations and visual interaction between art and science.
The designer uses technologically advanced materials and fabrics, such as super organza, a synthetic fabric that holds the record of being the world’s lightest. Her
research also embraces interactivity, explores the autonomous movement of clothes as a reflection of the world around them.
As the collection “(no) where (now) here“, in which the fibers are illuminated by the gaze of the spectators, or as in the project “The show still goes on“, created in close collaboration with the choreographer William Yong: the clothes move and became shorter, interacting with the dancers of the company Zata Omm.
Inspired by the movie by Jacques Tati in 1967, the project “Playtime” is based on the concept of metamorphosis of tactile and visual matter.
The clothes are floating in space becoming undefined and blurred or emit light in response to the flash of cameras.
Her creations are impressing for the pure beauty and the sense of wonder that inspires at first glance: her clothes seem made of air and light, matter disappears leaving only a sense of timeless suspension.
Ying Gao is an artist who experiments and try to establish new frontiers of the universe of fashion. Through mutations of textile material and sensitive and interactive technology, she creates a time and a space where we can feel a fragile and poetic matter, infused by artificial life that simulates the real one. Her collections are fascinations and visual interaction between art and science.
The designer uses technologically advanced materials and fabrics, such as super organza, a synthetic fabric that holds the record of being the world’s lightest. Her
research also embraces interactivity, explores the autonomous movement of clothes as a reflection of the world around them.
As the collection “(no) where (now) here“, in which the fibers are illuminated by the gaze of the spectators, or as in the project “The show still goes on“, created in close collaboration with the choreographer William Yong: the clothes move and became shorter, interacting with the dancers of the company Zata Omm.
Inspired by the movie by Jacques Tati in 1967, the project “Playtime” is based on the concept of metamorphosis of tactile and visual matter.
The clothes are floating in space becoming undefined and blurred or emit light in response to the flash of cameras.