NEW TALENTS: Central Saint Martins Graduate collection by Harry Pontefract

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CENTRAL SAINT MARTINS FASHION SCHOOL Graduate fashion show at London Fashion Week Rtw Fall 2016. 

Here the complete collection of the young fashion designer 

Harry Pontefract



Un’evocazione nostalgica della sensualità femminile attraverso uno sguardo sfocato e distorto.

Zero volumi, forme scivolate, sovrapposizioni di strati in trasparenza, capi di vestiario intimo “della nonna” ripescati dal vecchio baule in soffitta.
Un ricordo sbagliato

Nostalgic evocation of feminine sensuality through a blurred and distorted eye.

Zero volumes, sliding shapes, overlapping layers of transparencyGrandma” garments of intimate clothing  salvaged from the old trunk in the attic.
A wrong memory

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