One of the most important roles of a fashion school is that of enhancing the work of its most talented students in all the ways possible. Besides of the training program, that is obviously the basis for every serious academy, is fundamental to give the best chance to a young fashion designer for showcasing his work. Not only through the graduate fashion show, professional shootings and a great communication strategy, but also, why not, with a school’s fashion magazine. Today we speak about the case of Ferrari Fashion School, that is launching its magazine “Auxesia”
As I always said to aspiring fashion designers, there are some simple rules to follow for choosing the perfect fashion school that will boost their creativity:
- It must have a variagated training program with specific and professional courses
- It must organize a final graduate fashion show
- It must promote in many ways its students through communication strategies and
And probably the third feature is the most important one. Preparing the best young designers, stylists and photographers with a serious educational program is fundamental, but all the hard work the students do during the years at school deserves something else. Something special.

That’s why it’s necessary to find all the ways to enhance their talent, through fashion shows, events and communication, online and in the social media. But how to forget the charme of a fashion magazine? Among its glossy pages, a young designer can show better and slower all the details of his creation, a stylist can give free reign to his fantasy choosing colors and assembling visual emotions, while a photographer can play with lights and shadows to build enchanting worlds.
There are many cases of fashion magazines, publications or fanzine created and promoted by the fashion schools. It’s often considered an interesting and stimulating exercise for the students, but sometime this is only a homework, something that is part of the common training path. In some rare cases this simple exercise becomes something really special. A visual way to explain methods and inspirations, dreams and creations.

This is the case of “Auxesia”, the new-born magazine that will be very soon launched by FERRARI FASHION SCHOOL during the next edition of Fashion Graduate Italia at the end of October 2019. An experiment, that I’m sure will find an excellent response of the public, born as idea one year ago and concretized this summer with the shooting of the graduate collections realized by the students.
A serious and creative editorial project with which all the students involved had the opportunity to face a big challenge that requests the work in team, the cooperation of different minds, the synergy of various expertises. Something that will be part of their future portfolios, a real and concrete experience of team working, a tangible product through which they can express all their fantasy and skills.

Is not a case, in fact, the choice of the magazine’s title. “Auxesia” derives from Ancient Greek and was one of the names of the Goddess Demeter, which means “who gives the power to grow”. This is the principal purpose of Ferrari FashionSchool’s philosophy, so well explained through the pages of the magazine’s first number, focused on strong and solid ethical and professional values. Collaboration, cooperation, interdisciplinarity, honesty, passion, high quality and professionalism.
What we will find in the 100 pages of this beautiful fashion magazine?
The best students’ projects explained through work-in-progress photos and incredibly gorgeous fashion editorials, inspirations, trends, mood boards, fashion sketches, interviews and articles. All made in house by the students of the courses of fashion design, patternmaking & tailoring, styling & communication, fashion photography, supervised by the teachers and with the collaboration of many partner sponsors and external contributors.
All designed in a very curated format to better enhance the value of the contents and of the photos and with a final part in which the reader (and also talent recruiters!) can find the contacts of all the students involved in the project. This is the right way to promote their work!

I’m really looking forward to have in my hands the pages of this interesting project, that will be published every six months and for now is distributed to high schools, fashion events and partner companies, but maybe in the future could become a real editorial product distributed offline and online. Stay tuned!
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