Young, old, coming from different countries and with different bodies. Pietro Migliucci with his brand MODUS VIVENDI invaded Piazza Duomo and the subway with a new more inclusive and conscious concept of fashion, in which every human deserves his personal dose of beauty.

Do you remember Pietro Migliucci? I interviewed him some time ago, just after his graduate fashion show because he really impressed me with his collection. Now Pietro returns into my talent radar with the evolution of his personal project. MODUS VIVENDI is somenthing more that a simple emerging brand and in the intention of the young designer it wants to become a real cultural movement.

That’s why he used the vivid days of the Milan Fashion Week to launch his message in front of the most trendy public possible. Fashion is not only for a few, for super beautiful people, but it’s part of the everyday life of everybody, without discrimination of color, age, size and type of bodies.

Last 19th February a tribe of humans invaded Piazza Duomo in Milan coming from various parts of the city, arriving in the heart of the fashion capital using the subway and bringing with the designer’s messages.The performance, during which the public received also the Modus Vivendi’s Manifesto, was a very interesting and captivating flash mob.

The humans, as Pietro likes to describe them, stayed for 15 minutes stopped in front of the Duomo showing poster with suggestive phrases, like “Fashion has no age” or “‘I’ll fight for peace” guided by the soundtrack of the Partisan song “Bella Ciao”, then disappearing in the subway, ending the performance with the same simplicity with which it was started.

Surely an eye-catching and surprising way to present the brand and the total-white collection, but even more to present to the world a new concept of fashion design. Not only products, not something intended only for the elite. In the purity of the white textures and in the words used to describe the beauty there’s a poetic intention to bring back fashion to its primary use. A refuge for our humanity, independetly from the shape or the color or the age of our fragile body.