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IAAD, Istituto D’Arte Applicata e Design, took part in the 7th edition of the Fashion Graduate Italia. “Come up!” is the title of this fashion event, which is an invitation, a push to go out and to emerge and to return to a newfound life.

IAAD students presented their creations, exposing their thoughts on the themes of identity and sustainability. They brought on the catwalk a physical performance that expresses the concept of the “ESUVIE: in search of the expansion of one’s self “.

The performance created by the company Nova Dance Studio which includes Niccolò Oldrati, one of the students who worked on the collection, represents the identity journey through the movement of the body, as an instrument of knowledge for the exploration of new and contemporary languages.

Characterized by the use of fabrics derived from recycling and the reuse of some textile fibers, reused and reprocessed in an experimental way, the collection investigates the contemporary identity dimension that is configured as plastic, it is deformable and continuously enriches itself through the interactions and roles it plays. A dynamic which is amplified by the digital contexts in which we are immersed.

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Article by Federica Macheda

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