#fashiontalentsVScoronavirus: a special initiative of the Platform TFP TALENTS for supporting the young talents of Italian fashion in the time of Covid-19

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A kind of relay from a fashion talent to another and so on, a message of hope and an extraordinary statement to say that Made in Italy is stronger than ever and that the new wave of creatives is ready to fight with the weapons of their art against this damn Coronavirus.

The idea of launching the social media campaign #fashiontalentsVScoronavirus started from a consideration about all the damages that Covid-19 is making to our society and economy in Italy, but not only.

Of course our first thought goes to the thousands of people suffering because of it. Then we thought about the great symbols of our culture that are changing to face the emergency: schools, cinemas and museums closed, even the Olympic Torch that stopped its path in Greece without arriving to Japan.

We are all living a very difficult period of our story. As people knows, for avoiding the spread of Coronavirus many events and initiative for enhancing the emerging talents of fashion were postponed or even cancelled, the fashion schools are closed, as well as the boutiques and many ateliers.

#fashiontalentsVScoronavirus (fashion illustration by Elisa Gibaldi, Founder of blog The Fashion Propellant and the Platform TFP TALENTS)

That’s why the Platform for emerging designer TFP TALENTS and The Fashion Propellant decided to launch a new initiative. Against everything the Coronavirus is representing and especially to remind ourselves and to the World how much beautiful things we are able to do with our Made in Italy, we want to invite all the talents of fashion to a real “call to arms“.

And our arms are the love for beauty, the ingeniousness and the creativity!

Through the social media channels of the Platform TFP TALENTS and The Fashion Propellant, we are launching a kind of “Relay of Talents“.

Every designer, fashion student, emerging brand, stylist, photographer or professional of fashion world can share with us an Instagram Story by publishing a photo representing his/her fashion creativity, by naming with a tag other 3 talents for giving them the possibility of visibility in this initiative. The important is to use in the IG Story the hastag #fashiontalentsVScoronavirus and to tag TFP TALENTS (@tfptalents) so we can share the stories in our profiles.

#fashiontalentsVScoronavirus (fashion illustration by Elisa Gibaldi, Founder of blog The Fashion Propellant and the Platform TFP TALENTS)

At the end of the event, next Monday 23th March, the best 100 Instagram Stories were be selected and published here on The Fashion Propellant in a special article dedicated to the initiative.

The intent is that of reaching as much fashion talents as possible, becoming viral to show to the World that, even if Italy is locked and we are all at home, we are not alone and that we want to fight this damn virus also in this way: phisically distant, but united in our artistic commitment.

For further informations visit our Instagram accounts @tfptalents and @thefashionpropellant and our Facebook page (here the link)

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