The 100 best Instagram Stories from the Italian fashion talents against pandemic

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#fashiontalentsVScoronavirus is an hashtag we launched in March when the pandemic of Covid-19 constricted Italian designers and all the fashion industry to a severe lockdown. An initiative that involved more than 260 young designer, emerging brands, stylists, photographers, make-up artists and fashion insider.

#fashiontalentsVScoronavirus is the social media initiative promoted by the platform for young designers and emerging brand TFP TALENTS and by our blog The Fashion Propellant

All together in a virtual relay race through the Instagram world, with fashion talents connected one to each other for a “call to arm” thought for expressing the Italian beauty and the desire of coming back to a normal life.

The social-media relay started from the emerging designers who are part of our Platform TFP TALENTS and from them, this small initiative reached an incredible number of people and we received more than 300 IG Stories.

A great contribute was given also by some important Italian fashion schools, like Istituto Secoli, Accademia della Moda, Accademia del Lusso, Istituto di Moda Burgo, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Maiani Accademia Moda and Next Fashion School, which students partecipated posting many beautiful Stories with their fashion sketches or graduate collections. And we want to thank also fashion designers like Francesca Liberatore, Gaetano Pollice, Irma Cipolletta, Silvia Gatti, Davorin Cordone and Giuseppe D’Urso, who partecipated to this project with their Stories and their beautiful collections.

We were so impressed by the very high quality of the images we received that we decided to create also a virtual gallery in a special website dedicated to all the initiatives and projects we are making during the Coronavirus emergency. There will find place all the 300+ Instagram Stories we collected from these fashion talens Soon we will launch the website, so stay tuned!

For now, instead we want to put under the spotlight the best 100 Stories of the project #fashiontalentsVScoronavirus, from which is possible to understand the trends and the visions that inspire these new talents of Italian fashion.

There are designers who created a dreamy world with a contemporary romance, others who took inspiration from the dramatic duality of black & white, bet on colors for expressing their joy of life.

Many young designers look to the future of fashion through experimentation and wearable technology or finally embrace a more sustainable approach creating stunning eco-friendly collections.

Many Stories speak about the world of fashion seen from behind the scene, with fashion models, stylist and photographers, catwalks and backstage life, while many others show the design process and incredibly beautiful fashion sketches and illustrations.

There are new interpretations of women’s sensuality and glamour. There are more traditional visions and especially the triumph of Italian craftsmanship, with garments and accessories that are not only beautiful, but that celebrate the excellance of tailors and artisans.

We selected the best 100 IG Stories that you can find in the gallery above, while for all the others I give you appointment to the next launch of the website dedicated to this important project and to the other initiative of our Platform TFP TALENTS.


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